Friday, November 6, 2009

A Quick Video on Selling---by Austin Allsbury

This is a clip from the hit NBC series The Office.
It is a perfect example of how always being in the mind set of, "sell! sell! sell! close! close! close!", may work for transactional customer who is always looking for the best deal, BUT, it will never get somebody to have confidence in who you are as a business owner.

For the most part people nowadays have a BS meter that surpasses there intellect and
if you don't care about the person's well being, they will know it.
Notice how, in the show, Michael isn't constantly about the business.
He is about taking care of his client so his client will be able to take care of him.

---Austin Allsbury

Austin is my 20 year old sociology major.
He is a great leader and influence on other people!

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