Thursday, March 22, 2012


1. Establish the WORKING TITLE.
In one sentence, write down what your book will be about. Set that aside and allow your brain to stew on your main title and a subtitle. Whenever you have a thought about the title, write it down on that document. Make sure this is clear: you need to know were begin, where to end and WHAT TO LEAVE OUT.

2. Brainstorm CHAPTER TITLES.
In 30 - 60 minutes write down every possible chapter title and subject heading that pops into your mind that has anything at all to do with your book. Try to come up with 60 to 90 possible chapter titles.

3. Choose the BEST TWELVE chapter titles that most directly connect to your working title.
 As you pick out your top twelve, you will notice many from your original list will make excellent sub-chapters under your top twelve. Some will need to be scrapped all together, because they don't really support your working title.

4. Make TWELVE NEW FOLDERS, one for each chapter.
 Label each folder with the name of each chapter.

5. Create THREE SUB-TITLES for each chapter and make a separate folder for each sub-title.
 Make sure each sub-title is somewhat detailed so you will remember what you were going to write about.

6. Take a smaller piece of paper or NOTE CARD write every chapter title and abbreviated sub-titles.
 Go to your local office supply store or wherever and laminate the note card. Keep the card with you at all times while you are writing your book. Read over your chapter titles several times a day. If you do this, you will train your brain to be on the look-out for great book material 24/7. (If I were you, I would laminate a dozen copies and give them to close friends and family members. Allow their brains to be on the watch as well.)

7. For the next several weeks or months BE READY for articles, news stories and illustrations to come your way.
 The reticular activator in your brain will notice material for your book you would not have even seen if you weren't ready for it. As you come across the book material, place it in the appropriate file.

8. BEFORE you start collecting information write the introduction and conclusion to your book.
Great writers know were to BEGIN, where to END and what to LEAVE OUT.
9. You will eventually reach a point you feel you have enough material. Before you begin putting it all together in one big manuscript, decide WHO YOUR AUDIENCE IS.
 And by audience, I mean one person. Make a brief description of the one person you are writing this giant letter to. The more detailed you make the description of this person, the easier it will be for your to write. As you write, picture that person sitting across from you and communicate to them in their language about what would matter to them.

10. The only thing you will need from this point is TIME. You should have all of material you will need.

If you need help, send me a note: