Sunday, February 8, 2009

Taking advantage of technology at hand...

My friend Dennis is a painter.

Not a painter who paints portraits and landscapes,
he paints houses and businesses. Inside and out.

He is good. What does that mean? It means he's spent a lot of time learning the details of the trade. Whatever an executive chef is to cooking, Dennis is to painting.

I helped him with a job last year. I had no idea how much work went into---doing things the right way. I also had no idea how much life, energy, warmth and value great paint can add to your home.

Like many service businesses, the economy has had an effect. I got an e-mail from him today with a very impressive link added...

"How are you? I'm sending you this video and asking you to send it to your sphere of influence. I'm really slow with work right now and need a little help."

The following YouTube link was attached: CLICK HERE


What can you video and pass around to promote your organization, passion, service or product?

Thank you Gary Brown. God spoke through you today!

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