Monday, February 9, 2009

It's Time To Narrow My Focus, Good-Bye to Some

My desire is to help Kingdom Business Owners (Christ followers who own and/or operate businesses, organizations, churches...) expand their dominion for the cause of Christ.

I want to spend my time encouraging Kingdom Business Owners to allow the teachings of Jesus to not only permeate their lives on Sunday, but at home and in all areas of business as well.

I believe people are attracted to Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self Control.

Greg Grimaud is an example of a Kingdom Business Owner. Saturday afternoon he and his wife Suzanne spent close to four hours with a group of single moms. Greg owns auto repair centers called Precision Tune Auto Care. He taught a car car clinic for these ladies. They learned about basic maintenance and helped them feel empowered in an area they feel very vulnerable.

At the end he asked them all to be mystery shoppers for him by going in, getting a free oil change and then giving him an update on the experience. Getting feedback from the most vulnerable will help insure everyone is being treated well.

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