Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It's In You. Let It Out. Write Your Book!

Have you always wanted to write a book? Have you always considered yourself an expert in a specific area of your profession? These are two ingredients you need to stand out and become THE expert people trust.
Write your book to establish yourself as the expert.
Teach freely to gain the trust and respect of people.

In a recent Seth Godin blog post, he asked “How do they know you're not a flake?” In his post he pointed out what goes through the mind of people before they open your letter, click your link, return your call…


Here they are:

  • Do I know this person?
  • Did someone I trust send them over?
  • Where does she work? (Ideo? the FDA? The New York Times?)
  • Has she won an award? Is she famous?
  • Are there typos and is the design sloppy?
  • Are they pestering me?
  • Do I already follow this person online?
  • Does music play when I visit the website?
  • Will my boss be pleased when I bring this project up?
  • Who else is pointing to/referencing/working with this person?
  • Is it too good to be true?


What if this person knows you wrote a book about the topic you are contacting them about?


Get it done. Narrow your focus and write your book.


The next time you speak to a group, you can be the person selling books at the back of the room.


If you don’t have time, click HERE. We help people like you. If you have questions about how we get your book from your mind onto paper, click HERE.

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