Saturday, June 20, 2009

More Stan Toler on Public Speaking…

“The best speakers are borderline neurotic in their preparation, even if their demeanor suggests otherwise…”

An acquaintance of mine named Allison was an intern on The Late Show with David Letterman. When you watch the show it feels relaxed, like Letterman is just going with the flow. Allison said the truth is, he is a tyrannical detail freak. Nothing, nothing happens unless the host wants it to happen.
Toler shares the following about preparation for your next speaking gig:


S.O. W.H.A.T.

Start with a THEME

ORGANIZE your speech

Watch your WORDS

Have FUN with the AUDIENCE

Allow enough TIME

Tell it with ENTHUSIASM

It’s all about the audience; give them top priority in preparation and delivery. When possible, get to know your audience before you start. Arrive early and actually get to know people and begin building relationship, before you start. Learn everything you can about your audience before you show up and definitely before you begin speaking. Make a personal connection with as many as possible. YOU WILL BE A STEP AHEAD. People don’t care what you know; they want to know you care!

What brings us together today?
What do we have in common?
What are the demographics of your audience?
How can I touch their heart today? (Touch the heart, and the mind will follow.)
Know the purpose of your presentation for THEM.
Be clear and concise and stay in bounds. (Like Volley Ball, if you don’t stay in bounds, you lose your change to serve!)


---PHYSICAL (the room)

Know the needs of your audience and speak to THEIR PERCEIVED NEEDS.

AND REMEMBER: Facts Tell, but Stories Sell!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I am studying Public Speaking from Stan Toler's new book. I'll share...

Teacher's learn more than students, so I will begin teaching what I am learning.

Stan Toler's new book is called "The Inspirational Speaker's Resource, Tools for Reaching Your Audience Every Time"

Toler is a pastor in Oklahoma City. He grew up with John Maxwell and has led several of Maxwell's organizations.

"Homework is 80% of the speaking assignment!"

Check you motives!
1. Who are you going to promote? Is this an act of selfishness or are you serving others?
2. Are you there to serve or be served?
3. "Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks." Matt. 12:34


By the time you are finished with your speech, they will know your heart, they will know your motives!

Business Runs on Relationships. Relationships Take Time.