“Words are electric; they should be chosen for the emotional voltage they carry. Weak and predictable words cause grand ideas to appear so dull that they fade into the darkness of oblivion. But powerful words in unusual combinations brightly illuminate the mind.
Yes, words are electric. If a sentence does not shock a little, it carries no emotional voltage. When the hearer is not jolted, you can be sure he is not moved. Remember the words of Napoleon: ‘Small plans do not inflame the hearts of men.’
Words start wars and end them, create love and choke it, bring us to laughter and to joy and tears. Words cause men and women willingly to risk their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. Our world, as we know it, revolves on the power of words.” ---Roy H. Williams
This past week I read one of
“Unsolicited advice is abuse.”
I am in the advice business.
I like to make a difference in the lives and businesses of people more than anything else. On many occasions over the years, I have un-knowingly abused many, many people. The entire time I thought I was being helpful. A handful of times people have taken my intrusive advice. If you are one, I apologize.
Unsolicited advice is abuse, because it is almost always a criticism of past events and actions. The words “Constructive Criticism” were coined by an abusive advisor. (My opinion.)
Some of the worst offenders I have ever met are well-meaning church people. I like this Francis of Assisi quote: “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.”
“When you focus on walking the walk, people will ask you to talk about your walk.” (---Me)
We may have to start a new 12 step program called Unsolicited Advice Anonymous.