Friday, February 6, 2009

Get on the mobile train, it's leaving the station!

Do you have a moble site for your website or blog? The problem is that most websites are not designed to be displayed on a phone and consequently people struggle to find basic information about your business or organization.

“And it doesn’t have to be expensive. There are simple, free tools like that allow you to accomplish this without advanced expertise. Here are a couple of sites where you can read more about MoFuse.” Thank you Bobby Gruenewald!

See this:

If you already have a mobile version of your blog or website, can you share the URL with our readers? Just post a comment…

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Which comes first, the product or the marketing? ---by Seth Godin

Well, if you define marketing as advertising, then it's clear you need the product first (Captain Crunch being the only exception I can think of... they made the ads first.) This great clip from Mad Men brings the point home. If the Kodak guys hadn't invented the Carousel slide projector, Don Draper could never have pitched this ad.

But wait. Marketing is not the same as advertising. Advertising is a tiny slice of what marketing is today, and in fact, it's pretty clear that the marketing has to come before the product, not after. As Jon points out, the Prius was developed after the marketing thinking was done. Jones Soda, too. In fact, just about every successful product or service is the result of smart marketing thinking first, followed by a great product that makes the marketing story come true.

If someone comes to you with a 'great' product that just needs some marketing, the game is probably already over. ---Seth Godin

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your very best customers.

“Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your very best customers.”

“You can buy a person’s hand, but you can’t buy her heart.” Her heart is the epicenter of enthusiasm and loyalty.
“You can buy his back, but you can’t buy his brain.” His brain is that safe place where he keeps his creativity, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Great leaders treat their employees as volunteers, just as you treat customers as volunteers. Why? Because that’s what they are and what they do.
They are paid to give you their backs and hands. They volunteer their best parts, THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS.

You would probably not have any problem telling an employee to “Shape up or ship out!”

What if your best customer came to you with a stinky attitude, complaining about something?
Would you tell them the same?
You, like me are hearing sad stories of the economy every day. Don't get sucked into thinking it's all doom and gloom. You might be looking at your current resources and game plan and see a black hole in your future.

Add CREATIVITY to your equation. Don't just think outside of your box, leave your box entirely and get in someone elses box who has the same challenges you face, but is in a different business product or service catagory. Look for someone who does not seem to be participating in a negative economy.

I was at a men's meeting last night. One man is barely able to say anything positive about his business, in fact he said he is doing his best to stay positve during this economy. Another man across the table said he has just finished the best January he's ever had. He was even excited as he told us he was going to be able to give a chunk of money to a hurting family.

"Creativity changes the game, whatever game is being played. "We're going to run out of cash by the end of the year," is accurate unless you count creativity into the equation. Then the accurate statement is, "Under the current rules and assumptions, we're going to run out of cash..." Big difference." ---Seth Godin

It's time for us to get creative with Current Rules and Assumptions"!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Craig's Swerve post...

I am passing on something our pastor Craig Groeschel passed on to us this morning...

"Kendra’s been on our Central LifeKids Team for over five years. She’s an incredible team player and loves Jesus more than anything. She writes…

The LORD answered me and said, “Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:2-3 NASB

I keep this on my computer desktop. I need it written plainly on tablets. It means many different things to me, but recently it came up in a conversation about the role of our Central Team.

A Campus teammate described that he understood Central’s role to be like the bumpers on bowling alleys at kids’ birthday parties. Campus Teams can run around inside that area freely, but the bumpers are there to keep them from bouncing out of control into something that is out of line with who we are.

To me, this verse paints a much better picture of our Campus/Central relationship. Central’s role is to inscribe a clear and compelling vision. Those who read it can then grab it and run.

No bouncing around aimlessly against bumpers. Just running full out, all of us in the same direction.

I know our version of multi-site is different. I know our size isn’t normal either. But I’m tempted to guess that all ministries need this same kind of clearly recorded, always visible vision. So that those who read it may run.

What about your vision needs to be more clearly inscribed on tablets?

Is your team slamming into bumpers or sprinting in the right direction?

Do you have as hard a time waiting for the “appointed time” as I do?"