When you are an owner operator, you always start out rowing "The Boat" yourself. In this case I am talking about the marketing boat. Marketing is every bridge you build to make a connection with potential customers and every wall you tear down to give them a better shot at finding you and seeing you as real.
I have divided this "Marketing Boat" into nine sections. There may be more, but for now, nine.
Why am I choosing a boat?
If a boat has a few small holes in it, you can still make progress on the waters of business. If it has very many, or one or two big ones, you are going down.
At the back of the boat is a motor called advertising you can crank it up if you have the money. You can however row a respectable boat without a motor and in some cases business owners never do have to start it up. That's not true for most, because advertising can reach people your location and paddling can't get you.
More to come...