Over the next few weeks I want to talk to you about non-traditional game plans to marketing and advertising.
I will start with this and every week address each point.
Belief Marketing Disciplines:
1. Customer Intimate. “We know more about our clients than anyone else.” “We help our clients achieve their dreams.”
2. We establish authority by teaching.
3. We don’t believe in pursuit/sales, because barriers are erected.
4. We want to be about persuasion through teaching.
5. With teaching there is much less resistance.
6. Anxious to close is anxious to screw up!
7. To arrive at the best possible message we must be as ignorant as the average customer.
8. Key to writing: How to end. Where to begin. What to leave out.
9. If you do not measure it, recognize it and reward it, you can’t grow it!
10. Align your brand and all of your actions with your core values.