Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2010 Social Media Sucess Summit - Top Ten Takeaways

by Kelsey Humphreys on Jun 01, 2010

On March 12th, Insight Creative Group had its first Social Media Bootcamp, presented by yours truly. After discussing the necessary questions for a successful social media plan with our fearless leaders, I educated our team about the importance of social media. We talked about sites, tactics, and tools that were relevant to our company goals. Since that time, we’ve seen a 152% increase in our Facebook fanbase, an over 200% increase in fan engagement, we’ve more than doubled our twitter followers, and we’ve got a nice following started on this brand new blog you’re reading. This proves that when you get your team educated and involved in ditigal communications, it definitely makes a difference.

So, I taught my little bootcamp and was feeling pretty fly, but then I was able to attend the 2010 Social Media Success Summit, and, well, sister got schooled. 18 sessions later, I feel like it’s time for bootcamp numero dos. I also feel so prepared and pumped up for our upcoming digital media plans with our advertising clients!

There’s no way I could sum the summit up in one post, I couldn’t even fit one session into one post, but I will leave you with my Top Ten Takeaways from the summit regarding your overall media plan:

1. No matter what business you’re in, you’re now in the Content Business. Across all platforms, you need to provide relevant content!

2. Don’t be afraid to repost links & retweet – CNN runs their stories multiple times, so should you, people probably won’t catch it the first time.

3. Post different content on different networks or your Facebook users won’t want to follow you on Twitter and vice versa because they will have seen it all, and remember to post varying types of media; links, photos, videos – text-only posts get boring fast in today’s media stream.

4. Make your media plan human, with a face or multiple faces of the company, if you are an owner/principal, consider using your personal social profiles for business as well, accepting all requests and then using friend lists and privacy settings to control who sees what.

5. Choose one goal for your media plan: Awareness? Sales? Loyalty? and measure your success against that ONE goal!

6. Pick a home base for your operation, your blog, your YouTube Channel, etc and direct all other social outposts back there.

7. The tools are always changing – in ‘99, Yahoo had 97 percent of all search share – be aware and involved or you’ll fall behind fast!

8. Make a Welcome tab on your Facebook page (you can see ours on the Insight Facebook Page) and use a video or images to prompt viewers to click the Like button.

9. Don’t forget about YouTube, it’s still the #2 search engine and people consume online video more than any other online media. Optimize your videos so they can be found! Youtube has its own algorithm – not the same as google!

10. Don’t forget about LinkedIn either– which is probably the number one tool in terms of growing business & leads – plus it is an untapped market where the average household income is $109,000! Create LinkedIn groups, a great tool where you can send messages to group members and link the group back to your website and your profile.

This doesn’t even get into all of the tools they showed us, social media contests, and even more. With all of this new knowledge under my belt, I feel ready to grab my ice pick and get after that Iceberg!