The past three generations have grown up on TV and radio commercials. They are cliché, full of hype and B.S. (Barbara Streisand).
Today people have a built in BS-O-Meter, the younger you are, the more sensitive it is.
In my business I have come up with a way to help business owners, ministry leaders and politicians become more effective on their websites.
The answer is what we call a "Get Real" video. We spend 1-2 hours shooting the business owner or politician and then edit it down to a 2-4 minute video. We capture the moments when passion and reality rises to the surface.
A good example is .
Please check it out and if you have some people in your circle who are running for office and need a dose of passion and reality, please send them to .
Our introductory offer is $600.00 for a 2-4 minute video profile and $600.00 for a 2-4 minute testimonial video with up to four different people giving testimonials. If we have to travel outside of our city limits, we will have to add mileage onto the cost. (You may have noticed the price of gas lately.)
We will do the primary business profile and three testimonials for $1000.00 if all participants will agree to show up at the set, at the same time.
We shoot with a professional Panasonic DVX camera and do our editing with the latest version of Final Cut Studio.
Industry standard for this type of production is around $1000.00 per produced minute. We are going to keep our price low until we have over 30 profiles and testimonials in our portfolio. To date we have a dozen.
We also have the ability to create 30 second TV and radio commercials from the footage we have taken.
Our video shooter and editor is Tony Silva. He also creates Christian movies and documentaries. You may have come across his most recent work on YouTube. Click Here.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
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